ATTENTION! This is a Rotting Dead safety alert! *Warning* - The following shelters have been closed due to overwhelming zombie activity in the area: Midtown Civic Center/Tucson,AZ - Dearborne Athletic Center/Boulder,CO - Carlin Research Institute/Dover,DE - Maestro Convention Center/Miami,FL - Brady's Memorial Hospital/Lansing,MI - Kindgom Hospital/Castle Rock,ME - Greens Elementary/St. Louis,MO - Allied Mutual West/Minneapolis,MN - Sunrise Medical Ceter/Hendricks,NV - Glasgow Shiners Convention Center/Ennis,MT - Las Alemedas Civic Hall/San Antonio,TX - Harris County Hospital District/Houston,TX - Pallisades Community Center/Salt Lake City,UT - - - Bloggers are urged to remain in their homes and stay away from highly populated areas of the city. This message will repeat....

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Welcome to the Blog of the Rotting Dead!

What the hell am I doing here, you ask? Well I wanted to start a blog, so I did.

The End.

Okay, not really. *L* I just wanted a place to vent and write down my ideas. I heard about Blogger and said "Why not?" Then I answered myself, "Because you don't have time for that!"

Actually, I do have time. I'll come in and post a note every now and then and if anyone wants to read them and comment, they can.

Why the dead? - Well I love horror, and movies about zombies are my favorite! My very first short story is about zombies and I am even working on a novel idea based on zombies.

So, what else?
Well you can stop by and see my entries (as sporadic as they may be) and leave comments. I hope that some of you will find my blabbing of interest and maybe I will even meet other bloggers who share similar tastes.


Rotting Dead


Blogger bottleHeD said...

Hah! Zombies! This is cool, hopeto see some really neat enteries here, m'man!!

Saturday, July 17, 2004 10:15:00 AM  

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