ATTENTION! This is a Rotting Dead safety alert! *Warning* - The following shelters have been closed due to overwhelming zombie activity in the area: Midtown Civic Center/Tucson,AZ - Dearborne Athletic Center/Boulder,CO - Carlin Research Institute/Dover,DE - Maestro Convention Center/Miami,FL - Brady's Memorial Hospital/Lansing,MI - Kindgom Hospital/Castle Rock,ME - Greens Elementary/St. Louis,MO - Allied Mutual West/Minneapolis,MN - Sunrise Medical Ceter/Hendricks,NV - Glasgow Shiners Convention Center/Ennis,MT - Las Alemedas Civic Hall/San Antonio,TX - Harris County Hospital District/Houston,TX - Pallisades Community Center/Salt Lake City,UT - - - Bloggers are urged to remain in their homes and stay away from highly populated areas of the city. This message will repeat....

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Where's the post?

Hey everybody,

It is my turn to get caught up in life. I will not be posting anything significant today, however please feel free to look around my blog. Hopefully you will have some time to read some of my archived posts, my poetry, or my fictional endeavors.

I shall return tomorrow with my latest review.



Blogger Nicole said...

I am anxiously awaiting your return!

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 1:14:00 PM  
Blogger Solange Hommel said...

I am amazed by your ability to post something new, thoughtful, and lengthy nearly every day! WOW. I can barely even ramble some days. See you when you get back.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 5:47:00 PM  
Blogger Jaileigh said...

Hey CJ, I made something for you. I know how much you love The Cure, so I made you a Cure blog skin. If you'd like to preview it, click this link: and then click the preview button on that page. Let me know what you think. I have a few other Cure images that I can use, and I can always change the colors and such. Just let me know.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:01:00 PM  
Blogger cybertoad said...

Hi CJ! Just stopping by and wanted to send you greetings! {wave}

Wednesday, September 22, 2004 2:25:00 PM  

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