ATTENTION! This is a Rotting Dead safety alert! *Warning* - The following shelters have been closed due to overwhelming zombie activity in the area: Midtown Civic Center/Tucson,AZ - Dearborne Athletic Center/Boulder,CO - Carlin Research Institute/Dover,DE - Maestro Convention Center/Miami,FL - Brady's Memorial Hospital/Lansing,MI - Kindgom Hospital/Castle Rock,ME - Greens Elementary/St. Louis,MO - Allied Mutual West/Minneapolis,MN - Sunrise Medical Ceter/Hendricks,NV - Glasgow Shiners Convention Center/Ennis,MT - Las Alemedas Civic Hall/San Antonio,TX - Harris County Hospital District/Houston,TX - Pallisades Community Center/Salt Lake City,UT - - - Bloggers are urged to remain in their homes and stay away from highly populated areas of the city. This message will repeat....

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Baby News!

The bundle of joy our family has been anxiously waiting, arrived on Thursday 3/30/06. In a most spectaular fashion (and I do mean it was a spectacle) Baby Julianna was born Thursday @ 8:38pm, tipping the scale at 7 lbs. 12 oz. and measuring 19 1/4 inches. Like something out of a movie, my wife delivered our daughter minutes after arriving to the hospital.

A little before 8:00 pm we were at home and my wife said she felt the baby drop down. This is our second child so we knew that things would be faster (we had no idea how much faster in our case) than the first and began making plans to head to the hospital. A few minutes later, the contractions started and they were the strong 'real' deal. Thankfully my mother in law was here to do the driving as I was a helping my wife focus on her breathing.

Speeding down 59 from the Galleria towards the museum district (where the hospital is located), things seemed intense but under control...till her water broke. The next few mintutes were a blur of lane changes, an quick exit, and finding the emergency side door to the hospital. I managed to get an orderly with a wheelchair out to the car (no small feat in a somewhat crowded ER with minimal assitance) and we rushed my wife up to the labor/delivery room.

Here is the most fantastic part of the story. In the wheelchair, just inside her delivery room door, the baby began crowning. There was a little yelling, running around, quick application of latex gloves, and getting my wife into the bed. Seconds after my wife was on her back, the baby was ready to say hello, and Bam! there she was and we had made it. *Whew* My wife was a super trooper and kept her cool through the whole thing. I was pretty good at directions and instructions myself, and my mother in law was a stock car racer with the keenest eye on safety.

The entire ordeal took about 30 minutes. Now I don't know about you, but I most definitely believe in miracles. If anything had been different, more traffic; a bigger shortage of orderlies; or less calm, cool, collected heads, my daughter would have been born in the car!

*Sigh* Our world is a much brighter place. Thank you all for your well wishes and support.

Blog on!!